By: Sayandeep Saha, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, and Pallab Dasgupta (IIT Kharagpur)
Stage: Algorithm Level

Exp-Fault is a tool for automatically constructing fault attack for a given block cipher algorithm. The tool takes a high-level description and an executable of the cipher as input. Internally, it constructs a graphical description of the cipher from the high-level description, and mines the fault simulation data generated from the executable. Linking the properties found from data mining with the graphical description, the tool figures out fault attacks along with their computational and fault complexity.
Input/Output Interface
- Input: A high-level description in a given input language (Please see the original paper: ExpFault: An Automated Framework for Exploitable Fault Characterization in Block Ciphers), an executable of the cipher
- Output: Exploitability status of the fault, number of injections required, the attack description, the attack graph (only supported internally)
Weka package of Java
ExpFault: An Automated Framework for Exploitable Fault Characterization in Block Ciphers Journal Article
In: IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, vol. 2018, no. 2, pp. 242-276, 2018.
- Synopsys CAD Lab