CAD for Assurance of Electronic Systems


By: Abdulrahman Alaql, Xinmu Wang, Md Moshiur Rahman, and Swarup Bhunia

Stage: Security Analysis of Gate-Level Netlist Obfuscation

Process flow of the SCOPE attack
Process flow of the t iteration of the key-by-key critical feature extractor


  • SCOPE is a synthesis-based constant propagation attack for security evaluation of logic locking techniques. 
  • The attack is oracle-less and requires minimal knowledge from the attacker’s point of view.
  • The introduced attack performs a synthesis-based analysis on each individual key-input port and looks for meaningful design features that may help point to the correct key value. 
  • SCOPE offers two attack modes: a linear regression test and an unsupervised machine-learning analysis.


Abdulrahman Alaql

Input/Output Interface

  • Input: Locked Circuit (bench format)
  • Output: Key Extraction Report.


  • ABC Compiler.

Licensing Info

For educational use only.