CAD for Assurance of Electronic Systems

System on Chip Benchmarks

Stage: System on Chip Analysis


Reusable and pre-verified intellectual property (IP) based system on chip (SoC) design process has become a prevalent practice in the semiconductor industry. In an SoC, the constituent IP blocks are integrated with diverse interconnect fabrics, which can be typically classified into three broad classes: (1) point-to-point, (2) bus-based, and (3) network-on-chip (NoC) based communication. SoC security design and verification need to account for complex interactions and interplays between the IP blocks through the interconnect fabrics. With growing complexity of modern SoCs, there is a critical need to develop representative benchmarks made of diverse IP compositions and interconnect topology to effectively evaluate the SoC design and verification tools – specifically tools that are used for security design/verification at SoC level. Unfortunately, researchers today are faced with few open-source SoC benchmarks, which are often not representative of the complexity of modern SoCs and/or do not cover wide variety of network topologies or IP compositions. To address this important gap, we have developed SoCCom, a SoC compiler platform that enables a user to generate SoCs of arbitrary complexity and compositions. Here, we provide five SoC benchmarks generated by the tool, which we can be used to evaluate various SoC level design and verification solutions. 

SoC Design NameP2PSoCWBSoCAXISoCClusterSoCAutoSoC
Brief DescriptionAcademic SoC with a systematic security architectureSingle Wishbone cross-bar based SoCSingle AXI4-Lite cross-bar based SoCRepresentative IoT/mobile SoC with IPs grouped as ClustersRepresentative automotive SoC with IPs grouped as application-specific sub-systems
ProcessorDLX RISC micro-processor32-bit RISC-V processor32-bit RISC-V processor32-bit RISC-V processor32-bit RISC-V processor
InterconnectPoint-to-pointWishbone busAXI4-Lite busNoC and busNoC and bus
Crypto IPsAESAES, DES3, SHA-256, MD5AES, DES3, SHA-256, MD5AES, DES3, SHA-256AES, DES3, SHA-256, MD5
Memory IPsRegister based memorySRAM memory IPSRAM memory IPSRAM memory IPSRAM memory IP
Ext. Comm.SPIUARTUARTUARTUART, Ethernet Controller


Atul Prasad Deb Nath

The benchmarks are available at these links: