CAD for Assurance of Electronic Systems


By: Abdulrahman Alaql, Saranyu Chattopadhyay, Prabuddha Chakraborty, Tamzidul Hoque, Swarup Bhunia

Stage: Soft IP Protection


  • LeGO is a learning-guided obfuscation framework that overcomes known vulnerabilities in a scalable and systematic manner, leading to a robust and lightweight locking mechanism.
  • The proposed framework is guided by our security evaluation process that performs a thorough assessment of an obfuscated IP against various attacks and identifies the vulnerabilities.
  • It then judiciously selects and applies a set of design modification steps or rules that can eliminate these vulnerabilities.
  • Such a rule-based obfuscation process has the distinctive capability to address all existing as well as emerging attacks through the learning of appropriate design transformation steps that prevent these attacks.
  • We present an efficient strategy to apply these rules on a design, while resolving any conflict.


Abdulrahman Alaql

Input/Output Interface

  • Input: Original Circuit (Verilog).
  • Output: Locked Circuit (Verilog).


  • ABC Compiler.
  • Synopsys Design Compiler.
  • Synopsys VCS.