CAD for Assurance of Electronic Systems


By: A V Lakshmy (IIT Madras), Chester Rebeiro (IIT Madras), and Swarup Bhunia (University of Florida) Stage: RTL, HDL, Gate-Level Summary FORTIFY is an analytical framework that can efficiently estimate the fine-grained power side-channel leakage …


By: Muhammad Arsath K F (IIT Madras), Vinod Ganesan (IIT Madras), Rahul Bodduna (IIT Madras), and Chester Rebeiro (IIT Madras) Stage: RTL, HDL, Gate-Level Summary PLAN (Power attack Leakage ANalyzer) performs power side-channel analysis of …


By: Max Panoff, Haoqi Shan, and Yier Jin Stage: Packaging Summary AutoEM is an open-source software automating the Electromagnetic Side Channel Analysis process. The probe is attached to a 3D printer and can be moved …