CAD for Assurance of Electronic Systems

Analysis of Security of Split Manufacturing Using Machine Learning

By: Wei Zeng, Boyu Zhang, and Azadeh Davoodi

Stage: IC Design


This is a novel and scalable ML techniques to analyze the security of split manufacturing on large designs. This is the source code for their TVLSI ’19 paper.


Azadeh Davoodi

Input/Output Interface

  • Input: benchmark index, arff files
  • Output: classifications


  • java
  • parallel

Toolset can be found at:


Zeng, Wei; Zhang, Boyu; Davoodi, Azadeh

Analysis of Security of Split Manufacturing Using Machine Learning Journal Article

In: IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 27, no. 12, pp. 2767-2780, 2019, ISSN: 1557-9999.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


  • National Science Foundation (NSF)
  • Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC)